magnoliopsid family

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Noun1.magnoliopsid family - family of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germinationmagnoliopsid family - family of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germination
family - (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera; "sharks belong to the fish family"
magnoliid dicot family - family of dicotyledonous flowering plants regarded as among the most primitive of extant angiosperms
hamamelid dicot family - family of mostly woody dicotyledonous flowering plants with flowers often unisexual and often borne in catkins
caryophylloid dicot family - family of relatively early dicotyledonous plants including mostly flowers
dilleniid dicot family - family of more or less advanced dicotyledonous trees and shrubs and herbs
asterid dicot family - family of more or less advanced dicotyledonous herbs and some trees and shrubs
rosid dicot family - a family of dicotyledonous plants
class Dicotyledonae, class Dicotyledones, class Magnoliopsida, Dicotyledonae, Dicotyledones, Magnoliopsida - comprising seed plants that produce an embryo with paired cotyledons and net-veined leaves; divided into six (not always well distinguished) subclasses (or superorders): Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae (considered primitive); Caryophyllidae (an early and distinctive offshoot); and three more or less advanced groups: Dilleniidae; Rosidae; Asteridae
family Myricaceae, Myricaceae, wax-myrtle family - constituting the order Myricales
corkwood family, family Leitneriaceae, Leitneriaceae - coextensive with the genus Leitneria; commonly isolated in a distinct order
Apocynaceae, dogbane family, family Apocynaceae - chiefly tropical trees or shrubs or herbs having milky juice and often showy flowers; many are sources of drugs
Aristolochiaceae, birthwort family, family Aristolochiaceae - family of birthworts (including wild ginger)
family Rafflesiaceae, Rafflesiaceae - a family of parasitic plants of the order Aristolochiales
family Hydnoraceae, Hydnoraceae - a family of flowering plants in Africa and Argentina that are parasitic on the roots of other plants
family Primulaceae, primrose family, Primulaceae - a dicotyledonous family of the order Primulales with a regular flower; widely distributed in the northern hemisphere
family Myrsinaceae, Myrsinaceae, myrsine family - family of Old World tropical trees and shrubs; some in Florida
family Plumbaginaceae, leadwort family, Plumbaginaceae, sea-lavender family - perennial herbs and shrubs and lianas; cosmopolitan especially in saltwater areas
family Theophrastaceae, Theophrastaceae - family of mainly tropical American trees and shrubs similar to those of the Myrsinaceae; often included in the Myrsinaceae
Cucurbitaceae, family Cucurbitaceae, gourd family - a family of herbaceous vines (such as cucumber or melon or squash or pumpkin)
family Goodeniaceae, Goodenia family, Goodeniaceae - a family of sappy plants that grow in Australasia and southeast China
family Lobeliaceae, lobelia family, Lobeliaceae - not recognized in all classification systems; in some classifications lobeliaceous plants are included in family Campanulaceae
family Proteaceae, protea family, Proteaceae - large family of Australian and South African shrubs and trees with leathery leaves and clustered mostly tetramerous flowers; constitutes the order Proteales
Casuarinaceae, family Casuarinaceae - one genus: genus Casuarina
family Gentianaceae, gentian family, Gentianaceae - chiefly herbaceous plants with showy flowers; some are cultivated as ornamentals
family Salvadoraceae, Salvadora family, Salvadoraceae - a family of Old World shrubs and trees of order Gentianales; related to Oleaceae but having four stamens and four petals
family Oleaceae, Oleaceae, olive family - trees and shrubs having berries or drupes or capsules as fruits; sometimes placed in the order Oleales: olive; ash; jasmine; privet; lilac
family Juglandaceae, Juglandaceae, walnut family - trees having usually edible nuts: butternuts; walnuts; hickories; pecans
Combretaceae, combretum family, family Combretaceae - a family of tropical trees and shrubs of the order Myrtales
Elaeagnaceae, family Elaeagnaceae, oleaster family - shrubs or small trees often armed
family Haloragaceae, family Haloragidaceae, Haloragaceae, Haloragidaceae, water-milfoil family - a family of dicotyledonous plants of the order Myrtales
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