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(Animals) an Australian carpet shark, Orectolobus maculatus, with brown-and-white skin
[from a native Australian language]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The Emerging FinTech Company of the Year award went to Wobbegong Technology for WhisperClaims, its research and development tax credit software for accountants.
The antibodies were derived by phage display from lymphocytes of the Wobbegong shark, Orectolobus ornatus, found in the subtropical waters near Brisbane.
Habitat preferences and site fidelity of the ornate wobbegong shark (Orectolobus ornatus) on rocky reefs of New South Wales.
The title belies the contents of this informative book, which features double page spreads on 29 different sharks, including quite a few I hadn't heard of, including the pyjama shark, the broadnose sevengill and the spotted wobbegong. Each spread features a colour photograph of its subject, with a short description and some bite size [no pun intended!] facts.
From the tasselled wobbegong in Indonesia, which looks innocently like a piece of coral as it lays waiting for food, to the mako shark, the fastest in the world - clocked swimming at 46mph.
From the tasselled wobbegong in Indonesia, which looks innocently like a piece of coral as it lies waiting for food, to the mako shark, the fastest in the world - clocked swimming at 46mph.
From the Tassled Wobbegong in Indonesia, which looks innocently like a piece of coral as it lays waiting, to the Mako Shark, the fastest in the world, clocked swimming at 46mph.
| A wobbegong The venue has just welcomed a new wobbegong carpet shark and is running a summer-long event up to September 4 to celebrate this master of camouflage.
Could it be called the "Great White," "Requiem," "Bramble," "Goblin," "Bullhead," "Reef," "Thresher" or "Wobbegong," which are different kinds of sharks?
Also blown to bits are peacock-colored squid--bejeweled with lapis and turquoise because of a symbiotic relationship with bioluminescent bacteria--at the base of massive, centuries-old brain coral; wobbegong sharks, carpeted with tawny tassels and whiskers; olive sea snakes, with lungs instead of gills, peering into my mask then swimming up ninety feet to breathe air; potato cod as big as my sofa; three hundred bigeye trevally drifting in a channel, silvery as mica, resolute as sentries; acres of staghorn coral that give way to seagrass, where a hawksbill turtle rests.
** GWYNNE, Philip (text) Gregory Rogers (illus.) What's Wrong With the Wobbegong? ISBN 9781921714962 Little Hare, 2013 unpaged A$24.95 NZ$26.99
An additional problem with the use of chemical marking techniques, such as with OTC, is that growth may be inhibited (Pfizer, (5) 1975; Monaghan, 1993); however, other researchers that have worked with elasmobranchs have shown OTC to have little adverse effects on growth (Tanaka [1990] for the Japanese Wobbegong [Orectolobus japonicus] and Gelsleichter et al.