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abbreviation for
(Sociology) women's liberation movement
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WLM Taekwondo is run by family members Lisa Hadfield, Maria Reynolds, Peter Hadfield and John Reynolds (three are siblings).
In an early campaign to determine the Hubble constant, Milton Humason, Mount Wilson Observatory's mule-driver-turned-astronomer, measured the radial velocity of WLM as well as a nearby cluster with a similar velocity, WLM-1.
Whilst the WLM and GLF productively deployed situationist tactics, in the hands of the largely white, middle-class and male London avant-garde, these disruptive strategies were used inconsistently.
The models used to calculate the excess rate ratio from radon include: a) the BEIR VI EAC model (NRC 1999) based on 11 miner cohorts, the most complete model that also fits low cumulative exposures; b) the model derived from three European nested casecontrol miner studies restricted to exposures <300 WLM (Hunter et al.
Data from the NWCR indicates that successful weight loss maintainers have high physical activity levels, eat a diet low in fat and high in carbohydrate, and regularly self-monitor their weight, while higher levels of depression, disinhibition, and binge eating increase the risk of weight regain [5], suggesting that binge eating may be a behavior important to successful WLM.
The WLM to Skype migration started in Q4 2012 and will conclude in the coming months in other countries around the world.
WLM was launched in 1999, and was known as MSN Messenger.
Al Hilal Bank, wholly owned by the investment body of the Government of Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi Investment Council, will implement Norkom's Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Watch List Management (WLM) solutions in its operations in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and Dubai to comply with national and international regulations.
Things have changed but there's room f o r improvement." Changed DR ESTHER BREITENBACH, UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH RESEARCH FELLOW AND AUTHOR "The notion of being a founder member of the WLM is difficult to grasp because many groups came together in an informal, organic way.
MANAMA: Bahrain Maritime and Mercantile International (BMMI) teamed up with WLM Marketing Management and Training to enlist its sales team in an in-depth sales and marketing programme.
Its advanced Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Watch List Management (WLM) and Customer Due Diligence/Know Your Customer (CDD/KYC) solutions will help NCBC to identify and investigate suspicious or criminal behavior quickly and efficiently by: * Monitoring and analyzing all transactions and customer interactions across NCBC's entire client base.
It said that its Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Watch List Management (WLM) and Customer Due Diligence/Know Your Customer (CDD/KYC) solutions will help NCBC to identify and investigate suspicious or criminal behaviour quickly and efficiently by: