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Related to WLTM: TBH, WATP


abbreviation for
(Journalism & Publishing) would like to meet: used in lonely-hearts columns and personal advertisements
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Tel No: 0906 500 3645 No: 398349 37, WLTM male companion for out, social drinking, weekends hopefully leading to a meaningful with benefits!
WLTM showed extraction of alkali in 5% NaOH is higher as compared to HCl.
Iwan Jones, whose own lonely hearts advert might read - farmer, 30, likes backpacking, listening to The Killers/Norah Jones, WLTM easy going woman, not too thin - is a director of Calon Wen, and runs a 250-acre dairy farm at Groes in Denbigh.
And the lonely hearts ad shows just what the buyer is missing out on, saying: "Lonely, unclaimed EuroMillions Millionaire Raffle ticket bought in the Cardiff area WLTM partner for a life-changing experience.
Fifty-something Material Girl, three kids (at time of last visit to Africa) Desperately Seeking PreNup, WLTM impossibly low maintenance, but highly successful bloke to indulge every whim.
SINGLE orange water butt, ample build, WLTM environmentally friendly gardener for caring and mutually-beneficial relationship.
Ally WLTM Cheryl; Rangers star Ally and the offending web page, below
Offstage is another matter - probably the reason why personal ads don't ever say 'WLTM Woody Allen-style philanderer.'
Call me on 09055 616318 BLUE EYED male, 47, WLTM lady of similar age.
Whitland snapper Michele Wright WLTM outgoing men and women for fun and fame.
'Desperate, overweight, scruffy, middle-aged man with no prospects WLTM woman who is not too fussy.
My profile read: Ageing blonde with own toddler WLTM bloke with own teeth and blazer.