witness statement

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witness statement

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Each witness statement contains three or more examples of semi-copulative and/or copulative verbs with complements.
CONWY youngsters that participated in the world record for the most people signing and singing a song simultaneously are being urged to return their witness statement forms.
Everyone else I describe in my witness statement - the uniformed officer, the female police sergeant, the ambulance man - gave their own witness statements, but this man I describe has never been traced.
On the first day of a public inquiry into the blast, he revealed in a witness statement: "Initially, we did not see anything for the dust.
POLICE who used a sniffer dog to catch a thief were stunned when lawyers asked for a witness statement...from the dog.
While opposing the application, Omari told Kiambu senior principal magistrate Stella Atambo that the move by prosecution to replace the earlier witness statement recorded by Chebet was brought to delay the case since the statement implicated the church's current secretary general Peter Kania.
"The local authority's evidence in opposition to the mother's application was contained in an extremely long, 44-page witness statement made by the social worker," said the judge, based in the Family Division of the High Court in London.
A SERVING Merseyside Police officer has appeared in court charged with assaulting a man and lying in a witness statement.
FBR's Jahangir Ahmad also recorded his witness statement and said that all tax records that NAB had provided to the court were given to the accountability body by his office.
Hendricks says in his witness statement: "Because Katie Price is driven by emotion she is easy to wind up and get to react.
A POLICE officer, who also doubles as a football referee, found himself under both criminal and disciplinary investigation after he tried to photograph a witness statement in another case with his smart-phone.
The drama unfolded at just before 8am when officers from Northumbria Police visited a man to take a witness statement off him.