witness protection program

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witness protection program

n (US Jur) → Zeugenschutzprogramm nt
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References in periodicals archive ?
Legal counsel Harry Roque said his clients should stay under NBI's custody because they are admitted to the Department of Justice's Witness Protection Program (WPP).
Revilla's lawyers are now contemplating, asking the Court to exclude Luy from the witness protection program of the Department of Justice and revoke his immunity.
"That is the prerogative and discretion of the Secretary of Justice because the Witness Protection Program is under the Department of Justice," the Solicitor General.said.
The witness protection program largely focuses on people who would have witnessed heinous crimes and are threatened in the event they speak out.
Victim Witness Protection Programs form an imperative part of local, state and national security by providing safety for victims and witnesses while ensuring that dangerous criminals are incapacitated.
Individual states recently have undertaken legislative action to strengthen their respective witness protection programs. The U.S.
Former California law enforcement officers told Burton's committee on February 13th that Mafia hit man Joseph "The Animal" Barboza "likely killed at least three times while in the federal Witness Protection Program in the early 1970s and won parole with the help of federal agents," reported the Boston Herald.
Green chooses to stand up for his "brothas" instead of his brothers in blue, the mostly white community turns against him, and the family enters the witness protection program. With new identifies, they flee to another state.
Laura show--which affiliates have dumped into the wee hours or dropped outright--Keenan says, "It's the only talk show on the air that's been declared safe to appear on by the witness protection program."
Those of us who believe that the state already has its hands full may want to focus on a very different government health care issue: the witness protection program.
A weaker generation of Mafiosi, faced with long sentences for racketeering or drug trafficking, proved vulnerable to providing information in exchange for a new life under the Witness Protection Program.
'Bikoy' applies for witness protection !-- -- (Philstar.com) - August 5, 2019 - 5:30pm MANILA, Philippines Peter Joemel Advinculathe man claiming to be "Bikoy"has applied to be placed under the government's witness protection program, citing risk to his life and security.