

1. unceremonious
2. (Law) law informal; unofficial
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References in periodicals archive ?
She is very unsolemn, very good at putting people at their ease," he (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/pa/article-5596733/Sir-David-Attenborough-admits-nerves-documentary-Queen.html) said.
Starting with its unsolemn title, onetime Florida congressman Trey Radel's Democrazy: A True Story of Weird Politics, Money, Madness, and Finger Food (Blue Rider Press, $27) is the most puckish political memoir in recent--or, for that matter, remote--memory.
An unsolemn, fun-loving text on Philip Roth reminds us of the mayhem created by Portnoy's Complain and its sequels.
The author fully recognizes that she and her readers are engaged in a sophisticated game, and she is most refreshingly unsolemn about it.