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1. unordered; not sorted
2. obsolete inappropriate
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.unsorted - not arranged according to sizeunsorted - not arranged according to size  
unsized - not fashioned to sizes; "unsized gloves; one size fits all"
2.unsorted - not categorized or sortedunsorted - not categorized or sorted    
unclassified - not arranged in any specific grouping
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Unopened letters and unsorted papers lay strewn about the desk.
He said police found 123 rolls, 12 stones, 14 bhang broomsticks with another 2kg of unsorted bhang, 90 sachets and a pair of scissors.
As explained by De Vera, waste incineration process does not require segregation of garbage as mixed waste materials go in one end unsorted, and are all burned together.
The "Biopoint" center has separate rooms for receiving glass, paper, plastic, food waste, rubber and textile products, as well as unsorted waste.
NNA - MP Paula Yacoubian stopped on Tuesday evening three trucks containing unsorted trash whilst heading to dispose of them in Burj Hammoud landfill.
China, by far the world's biggest importer and re processor of recyclables, has put the United States on notice that this fall and early next year, it will begin turning away all but the most pristine used plastics and unsorted waste paper.
Summary: Piles of unsorted waste, members of the Internal Security Forces, and protesters from the Kataeb Party stood side-by-side at the Burj Hammoud landfill Tuesday morning.
ASCs were sorted into four groups: CD90(-)/CD105(-), CD90(+)/CD105(-), CD90(-)/ CD105(+), and CD90(+)/CD105(+); unsorted ASCs were used as a control.
It was as far back as 1968 when a small group of Guisborough people who were interested in archaeology undertook to study the Priory floor tiles which had been lying unsorted in the custodian's garden shed for many years previously.
Many people must be colour blind, as the different coloured bins are regularly full of general, unsorted rubbish.
Beginning with an overview of software engineering principles, the volume discusses data design and implementations, unsorted and sorted lists, stack and queue, recursion, binary search trees, heaps graphs and sets, and data sorting and search algorithms.