

not made soft
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
He is an Englishman, and in the midst of national and professional prejudices, unsoftened by cultivation, retains some of the noblest endowments of humanity.
Young and gentle as she was, it might yet have been possible to withstand her father's ill-will, though unsoftened by one kind word or look on the part of her sister; but Lady Russell, whom she had always loved and relied on, could not, with such steadiness of opinion, and such tenderness of manner, be continually advising her in vain.
But the face of Oolanga, as his master called him, was unreformed, unsoftened savage, and inherent in it were all the hideous possibilities of a lost, devil-ridden child of the forest and the swamp--the lowest of all created things that could be regarded as in some form ostensibly human.
Cheerless and comfortless, boastfully and doggedly rich, there the room stared at its present occupants, unsoftened and unrelieved by the least trace of any womanly occupation.
This wide national life is based entirely on emphasis,--the emphasis of want, which urges it into all the activities necessary for the maintenance of good society and light irony; it spends its heavy years often in a chill, uncarpeted fashion, amidst family discord unsoftened by long corridors.
To the very last, and even afterwards, her frown remained unsoftened.
From our previous observation (other study) and during storage of harvested fresh radish root (Figure 2(a)) in this study, a kind of discoloration was noticed on the root surface which was characterized by black or dark brown color, rounded or scattered on both the green and white portion, unsoftened, and different from soft rot or decay which we termed as "black spot" (Figure 2(b)).
Sharply aestheticized lyric pleasures alternate with the unsoftened language and bleak story of a northern ballad from the first stanza:
The strength of Kullervo unsoftened turned to untameable will that would forego naught of his desire and was resentful of all injury.
Instructions directed taking the sample from an unsoftened kitchen faucet or at the pressure tank before a softener or iron-removal system is implemented (if applicable).
All male classes, unsoftened by female influences, became a survival of the fittest jungle.