

(ˈspʊɡɪ) or


n, pl spuggies or spugs
(Animals) dialect Northeast English a house sparrow. Compare speug
[variant of Scottish sprug, of obscure origin]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
On entry, unsupervised klds would have to give backers on Choppers, jump off a garage roof, shoot air pistols at milk bottles, set fire to an old tyre, play split the kipper in their socks, poke a dead spuggy with a stick, jump off the top of a welded scaffold climbing frame wearing baseball boots, and spin their younger brother on the teapot lid till he hoys up.
But while for many of you, Geordie Racer conjured up memories of old school TV sets being wheeled into the classroom on a trolley and singing the theme tune in the playground, for Dec it's tarnished with a bit of disappointment as he missed out on the leading role of Spuggy in the show.
Becki, as we knew her, then had corkscrew ginger curls that earned her the nickname Spuggy after the popular character in TV show Byker Grove.
"The main character was a guy called Spuggy Hilton.
Spuggy, alias Charlie Wardell, was chief clown with Billy Smart's Circus.
The sire chosen was Droopys Vieri, by whom she threw not only Wing Man but also open winners Fintans Gwennie and Ludworth Spuggy. Breeder Fitzgerald again opted for the Top Honcho cross when putting her to the 2004 Derby champion, and has reaped an even bigger dividend.
After Spuggy (Paul Rider) kidnapped and threatened the loathsome Big Vinnie (John Forgeham), they didn't take him into custody.
Although these particular miners, Ralph, Tony, Steve, Barry and a very strange would-be Australian Aborigine called Spuggy with an impressive didgeridoo, needed the money after their colliery was closed down.
Geordie Racer 's main character is Spuggy Hilton, who isn't a runner like the rest of his family, but is a keen pigeon fancier and owns Blue Flash, one of the best birds in Newcastle.
Skelton had said goodbye to one of its most popular sons when hundreds attended the funeral of Craig "Spuggy" Starling on Friday, January 9.