
Also found in: Idioms.
Related to Sprunt: sprint
v. i.1.To spring up; to germinate; to spring forward or outward.
To sprunt up
to draw one's self up suddenly, as in anger or defiance; to bristle up.
n.1.Anything short and stiff.
2.A leap; a spring.
3.A steep ascent in a road.
a.1.Active; lively; vigorous.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Rosser, "Rosemary Radford Ruether: Sprunt Lectures at Union Theological Seminary, Richmond," Synergy 7, no.
Amita Kelly & Barbara Sprunt, Here Is What Donald Trump Wants To Do in His First 100 Days, NPR (Nov.
Sprunt, a consultant who has been an executive and research scientist in the petroleum industry, offers advice for dual-career couples.
In his Sprunt Lectures at Union Theological Seminary in Richmond, Va.
When Bunty learns of this situation, she offers to pay off the debt with the money she and her fiance, Weelum Sprunt, have saved to get married, though this will mean putting off the wedding for some years.
"We have a group of seven volunteers, made up of myself, Ronnie Chalmers, Charlie Cowie, Eric Main, Bill Sprunt, Rodger Reed and John Clark, and we all help to maintain the grounds.
Sprunt et al, citados por Baltimore [11], demostraron que los neonatos tratados con antibioticos desarrollan colonizacion con germenes diferentes a los encontrados en los neonatos que no han recibido manejo antibiotico.
Alan Sprunt (left) from Coventry Peace House, made his point, while Thalia Porretta, aged 18 months, and (below) Yumnaa Mughal, aged three, enjoyed the children's entertainment.
Shaw (1857-1917), a graduate of Davidson College in Davidson, North Carolina and the Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Virginia, was the pastor of Grove Presbyterian Church, and for many years president of James Sprunt Institute, a Christian prep school for girls, both in Kenansville.
Reformed Theology for the Third Christian Millennium: The Sprunt Lectures, 2001.