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shin·gle 1

1. A thin oblong piece of material, such as wood or slate, that is laid in overlapping rows to cover the roof or sides of a house or other building.
2. Informal A small signboard, as one indicating a professional office: After passing the bar exam, she hung out her shingle.
3. A woman's close-cropped haircut. shin·gled, shin·gling, shin·gles
1. To cover (a roof or building) with shingles.
2. To cut (hair) short and close to the head.

[Middle English, from Old English scindel, scingal, from Late Latin scindula, alteration of Latin scandula (influenced by scindere, to split).]

shin′gler n.

shin·gle 2

1. Beach gravel consisting of large smooth pebbles.
2. A stretch of shore or beach covered with such gravel.

[Middle English.]

shin′gly adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.shingling - (geology) sediment in which flat pebbles are uniformly tilted in the same directionshingling - (geology) sediment in which flat pebbles are uniformly tilted in the same direction
geology - a science that deals with the history of the earth as recorded in rocks
rock, stone - material consisting of the aggregate of minerals like those making up the Earth's crust; "that mountain is solid rock"; "stone is abundant in New England and there are many quarries"
2.shingling - the laying on of shingles; "shingling is a craft very different from carpentry"
craft, trade - the skilled practice of a practical occupation; "he learned his trade as an apprentice"
building, construction - the commercial activity involved in repairing old structures or constructing new ones; "their main business is home construction"; "workers in the building trades"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Of course, at the turn of the 19th century, the shingles were cedar, not asphalt, and the shingling hatchet was the tool of choice.
Buttoning up the roof is the final prep step before shingling. It consists of installing ice and water barrier ($50 a roll) and 30-lb.
A These ugly, dark streaks on an asphalt shingle roof are not a defect in the shingles or a sign of a bad shingling job.