shine down


w>shine down

viherabscheinen (→ on auf +acc)
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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The 5p coin is silvery, the same as the new star in the sky - where a gran or papa go when they go to heaven, so they can shine down and look after their children when they have gone.
It will shine down on Dumfries for the festive season from the kirkyard where Robert Burns is buried.
Later in the night, Alaska Milk played with fresh legs coming from a month-long respite, wearing Rain or Shine down with a pressing and running game in a 106-89 victory that got the Aces into a tie for third with the Blackwater Elite at 4-1.
As Prince Harry and his new bride arrived in Ireland for their first official visit, the sun continued to shine down on the crowds who turned out to greet them.
Blue skies shine down on the ever-changing site which now has a sign up on the side of the building area.
Jessica Parson, 22, who was on the Quayside last night said: "The firemen were using special lights to shine down on a section of the river.
In the second half, as the sun finally started to shine down, the Rhinos took the lead and managed to hold on by sheer grit and determination - holding up three tries - to finish winners at the final whistle.
The 49-year-old is the latest Scot to shine down south and he said: "The one thing our country is not short of is a good coach and a good manager."
How long must we wait for the slender moon to shine down its light on piano keys yellow with age, for the living, ordinary notes of the nocturne to divide the crimes of pretending from the crime of falling asleep?
WALES star Rhys Priestland believes Wales have extra reason to shine Down Under next month - World Cup rankings.