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Noun1.shinpad - a stiff protective garment worn by hockey players or a catcher in baseball to protect the shinsshinpad - a stiff protective garment worn by hockey players or a catcher in baseball to protect the shins
protective garment - clothing that is intended to protect the wearer from injury
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[ˈʃɪnpæd] Nespinillera f
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References in periodicals archive ?
The pace of the games wasn't as fast, so you could recover quicker, but settling a marathon with an own goal which ricocheted in off my shinpad is not the fondest highlight of my career."
Not wishing to waste any more time and try his luck in the second team - he had a match-winning knock in the Crowther Cup plus a 50 in the league - Holmes decided the best way to provide some extra protection was to use a football shinpad!
"I heard something but I am hoping it was a shinpad rather than the crack of a bone.
"Charlie (Adam) said he (Wes Brown) caught his shinpad a little bit, but he kept running.
"Charlie said he (Brown) touched his shinpad but he kept running.
Ever-present Collins pulled out of the recent Wales squad and to avoid burn-out he has been training lightly - with a slice of steak below his shinpad.
This led to wee Shinpad the sailor asking Div, "Er yi awright?"
I heard a snap and everyone thought it was a shinpad snapping, but it was my leg," Johnson said.
St Ledger said: "He rattled my shinpad and I just went flying.
However, it turned out that it was only his shinpad sticking out of his sock at an awkward angle.
Have no fear, Lewandowski is not sitting at home thinking, 'Oh no, I might get kicked.'" Lewandowski claimed his shinpad was snapped by a robust Gordon Greer tackle during the sides' first meeting.