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(Clothing & Fashion) clothing made of rubber
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Mind you, it's not really their fault: you can blame that big fat front tyre - at 150mm it's the biggest and fattest mother in Harley's rubberwear store.
The steering is a variable electric setup and the rubberwear comes courtesy of Michelin and its excellent Pilot Sport 3s.
The steering is a variable electric set-up and the rubberwear comes courtesy of Michelin and its excellent Pilot Sport 3s.
Some severe bumps would be felt, but I think that would be the case with smaller rubberwear at each corner anyway.
The United States led overwhelmingly in sugar, tobacco, edged hardware, typewriters, sewing and knitting machines, most lumber, some dried and preserved fruits, rubberwear, and medicines.
In Britain Allen Jones produced a number of sculptures consisting of women dressed in fetishist rubberwear, transformed into items of furniture (Fig.
They're older, wiser but according to Jan, no less gorgeous even if the ripped jeans and rubberwear have been replaced with over coats.
An unusual production of a classic, on the other hand--be it a Wild Duck in rubberwear or a Duchess of Malfi on the planet Venus--will unmistakably identify your production contribution.
PAs embarrassing moments go this was right up there with meeting your gran at an Ann Summers rubberwear party.
Looking for tall, large-breasted woman who likes rubberwear, football and ironing."
Mr Brian Annable, commercial director, said that sales to rubber-clothing companies, rubber-fashion clothing firms and to fetish rubberwear manufacturers accounted for between 25 per cent and 35 per cent of trade.
But by 1974 she was selling rubberwear and leather bondage clothes.