References in classic literature ?
But all these instances set forth only slow and groping interchange of sympathy and thought beside one other instance which the Rubberneck coach shall disclose.
3 disclosed the belief that in occupying the highest seat in a Rubberneck auto they were travelling the pace that passes all understanding.
And now in the broad, quiet avenue in front of the Rubberneck car a man in dark clothes stood with uplifted hand.
Then she faced about and sat still while the Rubberneck auto stopped at the flash of the badge under the coat of the plainclothes man.
It ain't a bad idea, hidin' on a Rubberneck, though.
The Rubberneck coach lingered, out of respect for its patrons.
A detective saw you on the Rubberneck up at Central Park and
And then as the Glaring-at-Gotham car rolled away she turned and threw a kiss--his wife threw a kiss--at some one high up on the seats of the Rubberneck.
GMP Traffic tweeted about the incident, warning drivers not to 'rubberneck' as they drove past the scene on the westbound carriageway.
Arab News Police in the UAE are giving out large fines to motorists who rubberneck at crash sites (Reuters)
Drivers tailgating ambulances to get through traffic and stopping to rubberneck at accidents are the focus of a new film that chief paramedics hope will change attitudes.
In many ways, some of the pilots at greatest risk from drones are those in news helicopters who are paid to rubberneck at the same events that drones are peeking at.