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Noun1.rubber-necking - going about to look at places of interestrubber-necking - going about to look at places of interest
looking, looking at, look - the act of directing the eyes toward something and perceiving it visually; "he went out to have a look"; "his look was fixed on her eyes"; "he gave it a good looking at"; "his camera does his looking for him"
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References in periodicals archive ?
The breathtaking vistas that journey affords -- winding round quease-inducing mountain-edge tracks and rubber-necking tiny rustic villages -- will open your eyes wider than even the most brazen check-in queue interventions.
Congestion also built up on the eastbound carriageway towards Leeds, believed to be the result of other drivers 'rubber-necking' at the accident.
We get so comfortable we almost forget to tear ourselves away into the glitz of the capital, but you'd be hard-pushed to find a better spot for a bit of tourist rubber-necking.
Pari is the cinematic equivalent of a driver rubber-necking when there's an accident on the road.
However, this analogy can be stretched too far; there is no equivalent in fluid mechanics to the effect of "rubber-necking" on the roads, where a blockage on one side leads to a tailback in the opposite direction.
He urged motorists to follow traffic rules for safety and called upon curious onlookers to stop rubber-necking at the accident sites so as to avoid traffic jams.
Not only is such behaviour extreme rubber-necking, it is also illegal.He said: "Those who published these [images] should have thought about this."
Trump are passing outrageous and based on emotional conjecture rather than verity, political talking heads mostly agree the rubber-necking will end once "The Donald" is challenged on policy positions, founded in fact.
Even that was a bit like people rubber-necking on how bad Newcastle could be week-by-week.
This involves a long walk of rubber-necking as you pass the Morning Room, the Drawing Room, the Library, then approach a staircase like no other.
Many fellow Villa fans (and rubber-necking outsiders) have given them stick for this move, arguing that it's an act of petulant self-indulgence which won't affect the club's coffers, but risks demoralising their team.