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(ˈrɛlətɪvaɪz) or


1. to make or become relative
2. (General Physics) (tr) to apply the theory of relativity to
ˌrelativiˈzation, ˌrelativiˈsation n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: relativized
Gerund: relativizing

I relativize
you relativize
he/she/it relativizes
we relativize
you relativize
they relativize
I relativized
you relativized
he/she/it relativized
we relativized
you relativized
they relativized
Present Continuous
I am relativizing
you are relativizing
he/she/it is relativizing
we are relativizing
you are relativizing
they are relativizing
Present Perfect
I have relativized
you have relativized
he/she/it has relativized
we have relativized
you have relativized
they have relativized
Past Continuous
I was relativizing
you were relativizing
he/she/it was relativizing
we were relativizing
you were relativizing
they were relativizing
Past Perfect
I had relativized
you had relativized
he/she/it had relativized
we had relativized
you had relativized
they had relativized
I will relativize
you will relativize
he/she/it will relativize
we will relativize
you will relativize
they will relativize
Future Perfect
I will have relativized
you will have relativized
he/she/it will have relativized
we will have relativized
you will have relativized
they will have relativized
Future Continuous
I will be relativizing
you will be relativizing
he/she/it will be relativizing
we will be relativizing
you will be relativizing
they will be relativizing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been relativizing
you have been relativizing
he/she/it has been relativizing
we have been relativizing
you have been relativizing
they have been relativizing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been relativizing
you will have been relativizing
he/she/it will have been relativizing
we will have been relativizing
you will have been relativizing
they will have been relativizing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been relativizing
you had been relativizing
he/she/it had been relativizing
we had been relativizing
you had been relativizing
they had been relativizing
I would relativize
you would relativize
he/she/it would relativize
we would relativize
you would relativize
they would relativize
Past Conditional
I would have relativized
you would have relativized
he/she/it would have relativized
we would have relativized
you would have relativized
they would have relativized
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.relativize - consider or treat as relative
consider, regard, view, reckon, see - deem to be; "She views this quite differently from me"; "I consider her to be shallow"; "I don't see the situation quite as negatively as you do"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in periodicals archive ?
But this could only be fulfilled if that resignation really reaches the parliamentary archive, that is, if it is not just another political trick by the former prime minister, in an attempt to relativize the possible voting "in favour of" of the VMRO-DPMNE MPs for the revocation of his mandate.
The fact that you are trying to relativize planned execution of over eight thousand innocent civilians, deny international law and dispute rulings by international courts and become a promotor of genocide denial as the final stage of its complete execution is astonishing," emphasized Zvizdic.
Further, his comments on the non-inclusion of other nationalities is the political position of the VMRO party to relativize the Albanian language, "Prussi said For diplomat Muhamed Halili, the decision of President Ivanov for not signing the Albanian language law was expected.
In Amerindian societies, the explanation of a health need is linked to social and cultural rules, so it is important to relativize a vision on healthcare (4,25).
Heterodox theologians are precisely those who "relativize" orthodoxy (as opposed to explicitly rejecting it as heretical theologians would) and thus "open the door" for nonorthodox readings of Scripture.
The older view was that such accounts should not be included in a consideration of the history of the war and its aftermath because this would allow apologists to relativize the crimes committed by Germans.
Next, the essays describe the necessity of relativizing both traditions; Nehal Bhuta articulates this when he asserts, "Rather than take one set of principles as the universal norms ..., we [must] relativize both set of values by trying to grasp their meaning and social significance within specific historical formulations of politics, place, and power" (125).
Those parts of the article that refer to measures the Cuban government has taken or that relativize the critique he is making are simply whited out:
Please do not misunderstand, and think that I intend to relativize or justify the issue of comfort women for former Japanese soldiers.
Professor Nano Ruzin comments for Utrinski Vesnik that the opposition is not boycotting due to a boycott that would relativize the excesses of the Prime Minister following the elections.
Quine avoids having to eternalize observation sentences or relativize them to places and times.
Furthermore, in a surprising tumaround of standard characterizations of pluralist Christian theology, Sonnemans suggests that "those who relativize, denounce, or disavow traditional Christian truth-claims, simultaneously relativize the claim that all humans can reach salvation"; in his view, such relativizing constitutes a "betrayal" of humans living and dead (p.