relaxation therapy

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Related to relaxation therapy: Relaxation techniques

relaxation therapy

Term used to describe a variety of techniques used to induce relaxation.
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TWO daughters of man who pioneered a hands-on relaxation therapy will be giving a talk in Warwickshire this week.
In a survey of 1,038 women undergoing in vitro fertilization and oocyte retrieval, 33% reported having procedures such as acupuncture and relaxation therapy and 18% used herbal remedies, with megavitamins, echinacea, and primrose being the most popular, Dr.
He suggested relaxation therapy at a clinic he was setting up.
Doctor Darwish Hassan Darwish, 55, from Caldy, Wirral, is alleged to have raped a woman during a relaxation therapy session at Arrowe Park hospital in 1985.
He also agreed he had developed an interest in relaxation therapy for his patients.
Counselling, stress management and relaxation therapy can all help.
Anxiety is one of the primary features of depression in adolescents (Goldman, 1988), and relaxation therapy (RT) is usually noted to decrease anxiety (Richter, 1984).
London, Oct 11 (ANI): Scientists have found that regular workouts help prevent migraines just as well as relaxation therapy and a common prescription drug.
But it is my experience that some form of relaxation therapy, coupled with guided imagery using behavioral techniques such as reciprocal inhibition and systematic desensitization, generally works best in treating this disorder.
Half of each session was devoted to tailored group psychotherapy, the other half to exercise training, which included pool exercise and aerobics, and relaxation therapy. The patient's significant other attended three sessions so therapists could address social reinforcement issues.
For these children, relaxation therapy and cognitive behavior therapy, which restructures erroneous beliefs about sleep and decatastrophizes insomnia, work well for treating these children
These patients can often benefit from behavioral therapies, including relaxation therapy biofeedback, hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and psychotherapy.