relative to

Also found in: Idioms.

relative to

With regard to; concerning: questions relative to the deficit.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
"To these registers there are added notes relative to the prisoners?"
The inspector begged the Englishman to seat himself in an arm-chair, and placed before him the register and documents relative to the Chateau d'If, giving him all the time he desired for the examination, while De Boville seated himself in a corner, and began to read his newspaper.
And a certain kind of thirst is relative to a certain kind of drink; but thirst taken alone is neither of much nor little, nor of good nor bad, nor of any particular kind of drink, but of drink only?
Well, you know of course that the greater is relative to the less?
John Jacob Astor, relative to that portion of our country, and to the adventurous traders to Santa Fe and the Columbia.
All the papers relative to the enterprise were accordingly submitted to my inspection.
As the safety of the whole is the interest of the whole, and cannot be provided for without government, either one or more or many, let us inquire whether one good government is not, relative to the object in question, more competent than any other given number whatever.
In a gamified environment, companies use employee performance metrics such as sales or production targets to keep an ongoing score of how workers are performing relative to other workers and to prod the workers to improve.
If a Filipino has a business in the US with a legitimate job opening, and a relative with education or experience for that job, they may want to consider sponsoring that relative to fill the job position, whether the relative is in the US or back home in the Philippines.
Fold changes were calculated in the third table for all pairwise comparisons between cell lines, relative to each cell line.
The real exchange rate measures the cost of goods in one country relative to the cost of goods in another.