common fault

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Noun1.common fault - an inclined fault in which the hanging wall appears to have slipped downward relative to the footwallcommon fault - an inclined fault in which the hanging wall appears to have slipped downward relative to the footwall
inclined fault - a geological fault in which one side is above the other
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References in classic literature ?
Professor Murray will, I am sure, excuse me if I say that he has the common fault of most Englishmen of being inaudible.
'It's very true,' said Quilp, 'that your grandfather urged repeated forgiveness, ingratitude, riot, and extravagance, and all that; but as I told him "these are common faults." "But he's a scoundrel," said he.
"Beyond blood cancer, treatments that target the DNA repair pathway - which is a common fault with cancer - could also help men with prostate cancer.
There is also a common fault with the Starr action involving the trigger return.
They say it is a common fault and they can fix it but I still have to pay PS145 for the repair and a call-out charge.
The Quaid observed that 'putting pressure on services was a very common fault of politicians and those with influence in political parties.' He foresaw, 'maybe, some of you may fall victims for not satisfying the whims of ministers.
According the common fault mode of the hydraulic brake system, we analysed the fault predication plan and parameters aiming at the possible fault types and positions.
When only 13% of companies successfully execute their business strategy there must be some common fault lines.
Reserves: Caltra Lucy, Coloured Pink, Common Fault, Farloe Brae, Move Over Fozzy, Mustang Jayden, Old Fort Harley, Romeo Nato, Shellam Tyra, Sunday Club.
The book, 'Our Common Fault,' complements the numerous scientific reports on the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that shook mainland Luzon on July 16, 1990.
Connection to a heat source was the third most common fault, with 743 cases recorded, according to PACDA's annual data for 2015.