

to structure in advance
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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By means of a defined joining pressure and amplitude, the prestructure is formed into the joining partner A, Figure 1(a).
For example, parents might wish to prestructure their children's choices, giving them a voice but only among schools that the parent believes would be good options.
Other elements of the larger social-technical-cultural-institutional system that prestructure or normalize prevailing consumption patterns may be more deserving of attention.
(21) reported that prestructure process showed a significant influence on magnetorheological effect.
Derrida, when discoursing on differance, refers to protowriting; Bratich, when scrutinizing the constituent power, to prestructure. Moreover, both split (as rupture) and moment (as event) are there around Derrida's notion of decentering, which might be conceived of as both an event in history and something that has not yet been attained.
* Is it better for users to learn and engage in querying or have the program prestructure inquiries and resulting displays, hiding the complexity of visual querying?
Furthermore, the regulations aim at channelling conflicts between the various actors in the world of work and prestructure the solutions of such conflicts by prescribing certain standards, rights, obligations, etc.
Texts contain "intersubjectively verifiable instructions for meaning-production" (25), instructions that prestructure "the role to be assumed" by the reader: "The concept of the implied reader is therefore a textual structure anticipating the presence of a recipient without necessarily defining him" (34).
The ideals, espoused values, norms and verbal symbols developed by the founders and reproduced and refined by later generations of top managers in CCC prestructure the ways in which managers exercise influence.
Although it stresses that language makes a difference and that social relations are constructed, it leaves underdeveloped the concept of security formation that heavily prestructures the possibilities to "speak" differently through rarifying who can speak security, what security can be spoken about, how one should speak about security, and so on.