

occurring before storage
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References in periodicals archive ?
Further, the retention of high petal sugar level (higher TSS) along with low electrolyte leakage in the petal tissue (Table 4) and high water uptake by the cut spikes contributed to higher bud opening in prestorage treated and HDPE or PP packaged tuberose cut spikes.
The risk of febrile reaction is reduced to 0.2 percent when patients receive prestorage leukoreduced blood products but increased to 2 percent for poststorage leukoreduction [18].
(7,8) In fact many institutions have implemented universal prestorage leukoreduction.
The prestorage at 4[degrees]C resulted in higher bacterial survival than prestorage at 22[degrees] C, and the mean survival rate of the O157:H7 strains was more than three times higher compared with O26 and O111 isolates.
Overall, results suggest that short prestorage UV-C exposure maybe useful to extend carambola shelflife through preventing browning, dehydration, and tissue disruption.
The effect of unmodified or prestorage white cell-reduced allogeneic red cell transfusions on the immune responsiveness in orthopedic surgery patients.