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(Placename) a town in NW England, in Bury unitary authority, Greater Manchester. Pop: 31 693 (2001)
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Prestwich, in his admirable Memoirs on the eocene deposits of England and France, is able to draw a close general parallelism between the successive stages in the two countries; but when he compares certain stages in England with those in France, although he finds in both a curious accordance in the numbers of the species belonging to the same genera, yet the species themselves differ in a manner very difficult to account for, considering the proximity of the two areas,--unless, indeed, it be assumed that an isthmus separated two seas inhabited by distinct, but contemporaneous, faunas.
Anyone wishing to make a donation to the appeal should call 0161 798 4552 or send a cheque or postal order to Unicef UK, PO Box 254, Prestwich, Manchester M25 3WT.
Insp Malcolm Prestwich, heading the investigation, said: "Due to the serious nature of the accident we're asking the driver to examine their conscience and step forward."
POLICE uncovered this huge cannabis farm when they raided a home in Prestwich.
Insp Malcolm Prestwich, heading the investigation, said: "We're asking the driver to examine their conscience and step forward."
Her former partner, MichaelGlover, 56,of Prestwich, pleaded guilty to supplying the drug.
Armed with a shotgun he gunned down mum-of-three Joanne Pomeroy, 24, and Diane Pritchard, 41, at their home in Prestwich, Manchester.
During each of the incidents - two in Salford and another in Prestwich - the offender also attempted to steal the victim's car.
Insp Malcolm Prestwich, at Stoney Stanton Road police station, said there had been about 30 burglaries at educational establishments in Coventry since August.
Geraldine Bridgewood, 41, kicked and pushed the three robbers after they demanded the keys to her pounds 28,000 Volvo in Prestwich, Manchester.
David Beckham and his mum stood behind me and my boyfriend Greg at the checkout of our local Tesco in Prestwich.
The victim, who is in her 20s, had been walking along Church Lane in Prestwich, Bury, when the incident happened.