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Related to penalty: death penalty


n. pl. pen·al·ties
1. A punishment imposed for a violation of law.
2. A sum established by a contract to be forfeited in lieu of actual damages in the event of a breach of the contract.
3. The disadvantage or painful consequences resulting from an action or condition: neglected his health and paid the penalty.
4. Sports
a. A punishment, handicap, or loss of advantage imposed on a team or competitor for infraction of a rule.
b. An infraction of a rule; a foul.
c. A penalty kick.
d. A penalty shot.
5. Games Points scored in contract bridge by the opponents when the declarer fails to make a bid.

[Middle English penalte, from Old French penalite, from Medieval Latin poenālitās, from Latin poenālis, penal; see penal.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl -ties
1. (Law) a legal or official punishment, such as a term of imprisonment
2. some other form of punishment, such as a fine or forfeit for not fulfilling a contract
3. loss, suffering, or other unfortunate result of one's own action, error, etc
4. (General Sporting Terms) sport games a handicap awarded against a player or team for illegal play, such as a free shot at goal by the opposing team, loss of points, etc
[C16: from Medieval Latin poenālitās penalty; see penal]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈpɛn l ti)

n., pl. -ties.
1. a punishment imposed or incurred for a violation of law or rule.
2. a loss, forfeiture, etc., incurred by nonfulfillment of some obligation.
3. something forfeited, as money.
4. a disadvantage imposed upon one side for infraction of the rules of a game or sport.
[1505–15; « Medieval Latin poenālitās. See penal, -ty2]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.penalty - the act of punishingpenalty - the act of punishing      
social control - control exerted (actively or passively) by group action
chastisement, castigation - verbal punishment
corporal punishment - the infliction of physical injury on someone convicted of committing a crime
cruel and unusual punishment - punishment prohibited by the 8th amendment to the U.S. Constitution; includes torture or degradation or punishment too severe for the crime committed
detention - a punishment in which a student must stay at school after others have gone home; "the detention of tardy pupils"
discipline, correction - the act of punishing; "the offenders deserved the harsh discipline they received"
economic strangulation - punishment of a group by cutting off commercial dealings with them; "the economic strangulation of the Jews by the Nazi Party"
imprisonment - putting someone in prison or in jail as lawful punishment
medicine, music - punishment for one's actions; "you have to face the music"; "take your medicine"
self-punishment - punishment inflicted on yourself
stick - threat of a penalty; "the policy so far is all stick and no carrot"
self-abasement, self-mortification, penance - voluntary self-punishment in order to atone for some wrongdoing
2.penalty - a payment required for not fulfilling a contract
payment - a sum of money paid or a claim discharged
requital, retribution - a justly deserved penalty
forfeit, forfeiture - a penalty for a fault or mistake that involves losing or giving up something; "the contract specified forfeits if the work was not completed on time"
amercement, fine, mulct - money extracted as a penalty
3.penalty - the disadvantage or painful consequences of an action or condition; "neglected his health and paid the penalty"
disadvantage - the quality of having an inferior or less favorable position
advantage, reward - benefit resulting from some event or action; "it turned out to my advantage"; "reaping the rewards of generosity"
4.penalty - (games) a handicap or disadvantage that is imposed on a competitor (or a team) for an infraction of the rules of the game
game - a contest with rules to determine a winner; "you need four people to play this game"
handicap - advantage given to a competitor to equalize chances of winning
game misconduct - (ice hockey) a penalty that suspends a player for the remainder of a game (but allows the team to send in a substitute for the suspended player)
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. punishment, price, fine, handicap, forfeit, retribution, forfeiture The maximum penalty is 7 years' imprisonment.
2. disadvantage, difficulty, handicap, drawback, snag, uphill (S. African), downside, unpleasant aspect the penalty of being a girl
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. Something, such as loss, pain, or confinement, imposed for wrongdoing:
2. A sum of money levied as punishment for an offense:
3. A coercive measure intended to ensure compliance or conformity:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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[ˈpɛnəlti] n
(= punishment) → sanction f
to pay the penalty for sth [+ mistake, error] → être pénalisé(e) pour qch
Why should I pay the penalty for someone's else's mistake? → Pourquoi devrais-je être pénalisé alors que la faute revient à un autre?
to pay the penalty for a crime → assumer la responsabilité d'un crime
Rather than pay the penalty for his crimes, he had cut his wrists → Il s'est coupé les veines plutôt que d'avoir à assumer la responsabilité de ses crimes.
(= fine) → amende f, pénalité f
(= punishment) (for player, team)pénalisation f
(also penalty kick) (FOOTBALL)penalty m (RUGBY)coup m de pied de pénalité
to award a penalty → accorder un penalty penalty shot, penalty spotpenalty area penalty box n (FOOTBALL)surface f de réparationpenalty clause nclause f pénalepenalty goal nbut m sur penaltypenalty kick n (FOOTBALL)penalty m (RUGBY)coup m de pied de pénalitépenalty point n
(on driving licence)point m de pénalité
(awarded against team, player)point m de pénalitépenalty shoot-out ntirs mpl au but, épreuve mpl des tirs au butpenalty shot npenalty mpenalty spot npoint m de réparation
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= punishment)Strafe f; (fig: = disadvantage) → Nachteil m; the penalty (for this) is deathdarauf steht die Todesstrafe; you know the penaltySie wissen, welche Strafe darauf steht; “penalty £50”„bei Zuwiderhandlung wird eine Geldstrafe von £ 50 erhoben; to carry the death penalty/the penalty of imprisonmentmit dem Tod/mit Gefängnis bestraft werden; on penalty of £200bei einer Geldstrafe von £ 200; to pay the penaltydafür büßen; that’s the penalty you pay for …das ist die Strafe dafür, dass …
(Sport) → Strafstoß m; (Ftbl) → Elfmeter m; (Golf, Bridge) → Strafpunkt m; the match was decided on penalties (Ftbl) → die Partie wurde durch Elfmeterschießen entschieden


penalty area
nStrafraum m
penalty box
n (Ftbl) → Strafraum m; (Ice Hockey) → Strafbank f
penalty clause
nStrafklausel f
penalty goal
n (Rugby) → Straftor nt
penalty kick
nStrafstoß m
penalty killer
n (Ice Hockey) → Penalty-Killer(in) m(f), → Unterzahlspezialist(in) m(f)
penalty line
nStrafraumgrenze f
penalty point
n (Aut, Jur, Sport) → Strafpunkt m
penalty rates
pl (Auatral inf) → Zulagen f (für geleistete Überstunden)
penalty shoot-out
n (Ftbl) → Elfmeterschießen nt
penalty shot
n (Ice hockey) → Strafschuss m; (Golf) → Strafschlag m; (Basketball US) → Freiwurf m
penalty spot
n (Ftbl) → Elfmeterpunkt m
penalty taker
n (Ftbl) → Elfmeterschütze m/-schützin f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈpɛnltɪ] n
a. (punishment) → pena (fig) (disadvantage) → svantaggio; (fine) → ammenda
those who break the rules do so on penalty of dismissal → coloro che infrangono il regolamento verranno puniti con il licenziamento
the penalty for not doing this is ... → se non si fa questo la punizione sarà...
b. (Sport) → penalità f inv (Ftbl) → (calcio di) rigore m
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈpenlti) plural ˈpenalties noun
1. a punishment for doing wrong, breaking a contract etc. They did wrong and they will have to pay the penalty; The death penalty has been abolished in this country.
2. in sport etc, a disadvantage etc that must be suffered for breaking the rules etc. The referee awarded the team a penalty; (also adjective) a penalty kick
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


عُقُوبَةٌ trest straf Strafe ποινή castigo rangaistus pénalité kazna multa 刑罰 처벌 boete straff kara pena наказание straff โทษทัณฑ์ทางกฎหมาย ceza hình phạt 处罚
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
THE SPIRIT OF REVENGE: my friends, that hath hitherto been man's best contemplation; and where there was suffering, it was claimed there was always penalty.
The same spirit of legislation prevailed with respect to their bearing arms and their gymnastic exercises; for the poor are excused if they have no arms, but the rich are fined; the same method takes place if they do not attend their gymnastic exercises, there is no penalty on one, but there is on the other: the consequence of which is, that the fear of this penalty induces the rich to keep the one and attend the other, while the poor do neither.
The first two modes of payment are intelligible enough, but what the penalty is I do not understand, or how a penalty can be a payment.
It is the penalty the imaginative man must pay for his friendship with John Barleycorn.
The shorter address in mitigation of the penalty; 3rd.
It is essential to the idea of a law, that it be attended with a sanction; or, in other words, a penalty or punishment for disobedience.
And so Hesiod says that oaths touching the matter of love do not draw down anger from the gods: `And thereafter he ordained that an oath concerning the secret deeds of the Cyprian should be without penalty for men.'
No Female shall walk in any public place without continually keeping up her Peace-cry, under penalty of death.
Beyond doubt, the boy had broken the taboos, and privily he told him so, until Lamai trembled and wept and squirmed abjectly at his feet, for the penalty was death.
The utmost penalty of the outraged law would be exacted, and upon the accused, now present at the bar, that penalty would unquestionably be executed.
The simplicity of the housekeeper made the licentiate laugh, and he directed the barber to give him the books one by one to see what they were about, as there might be some to be found among them that did not deserve the penalty of fire.
He has paid the penalty, and I have paid the penalty, of deceiving you."