economic strangulation

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Noun1.economic strangulation - punishment of a group by cutting off commercial dealings with them; "the economic strangulation of the Jews by the Nazi Party"
penalisation, penalization, penalty, punishment - the act of punishing
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The United States and Israel will practice economic strangulation against the Palestinians to force them to accept the deal and tighten the occupation measures against them with more repression, demolition of homes, and displacement.
Practices adopted range from self-censorship to muting critical comments to economic strangulation, rendering a large number of media persons jobless, to a smear vilification campaign on social media against journalists refusing to fall in line.
It is part of a comprehensive and systematic campaign of ethnic cleansing in occupied Jerusalem that includes the illegal confiscation and demolition of homes, terrorizing Jerusalemites, including the ongoing campaign of harassment against residents of Esawiyeh, as well as policies of economic strangulation," said Ashrawi in a statement.
Not only this, the USA has augmented its presence in the region by an increase in deployment of 2,500 additional troops, intensified its economic strangulation and planned to hit certain areas of Iran.
If Mr Trump wants to avoid war, he must rein in his virulently anti-Iran deputies, stop threatening to destroy the Islamic Republic, and end the economic strangulation of Tehran through sanctions.
Let there be no doubt Pakistan has to face not only full wrath of 5th generation war, economic strangulation but sabotage, proxy attacks, and increased tension on the LoC and also on western borders.
He said Pakistan would never support aggression against Iran or its diplomatic isolation and economic strangulation.
Syed Ali Gilani in a statement issued in Srinagar, today, said that ruthless killings, unabated arrest spree, economic strangulation, vehicular restriction and enforced demographic changes through judicial onslaught were being carried out in occupied Kashmir by India.
While condemning the use of economic strangulation as a new tool to curb the freedom of expression, Bilawal said advertisements are being manipulated by the government functionaries to force media to tow a line of their choice.
Bilawal urged the government to legislate with a view to providing "safety and security" to journalists, and condemned the use of "economic strangulation as a new tool to curb" the freedom of expression.
Bilawal urged the government to legislate with a view to providing 'safety and security' to journalists, and condemned the use of 'economic strangulation as a new tool to curb' the freedom of expression.
I also has ability to systematically crippling its financial and information networks using cyber technology, economic strangulation via coercive economic diplomacy and leveraging its influence over international actors and institutions meanwhile, developing and maintaining a robust defence posture.