penalty shoot-out

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penalty shoot-out

1. (Soccer) soccer a method of deciding the winner of a drawn match, in which players from each team attempt to score with a penalty kick
2. (General Sporting Terms) a similar method of resolving a tie in hockey, ice hockey, polo, etc
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

penalty shoot-out

[ˌpɛnəltɪˈʃuːtˌaʊt] n (Ftbl) → rigori mpl
to beat a team in a penalty shoot-out → battere una squadra ai rigori
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
LAHORE -- Multan won the Punjab U15 boys football cup title when they edged out Sahiwal 5-4 in a penalty shoot-out here at Punjab Stadium on Wednesday night under lights.
Perhaps no other aspect of football can be more starkly relatable to law school life than penalty shoot-outs. The penalty shoot-out is that all-too dreaded climactic stage in the game where victory and defeat are separated by mere inches.
Ties to go straight to a penalty shoot-out if scores are level after 90 minutes.
BRADFORD CITY skipper Gary Jones has revealed the secret of the Bantams' penalty shoot-out success.
Panthers fought out back-to-back matches against Belfast last weekend, losing 5-3 in the first and winning a penalty shoot-out the following evening.
In their top-six elimination round tie, Sitra Butchery recorded a hard-fought 2-1 penalty shoot-out victory over Al Janoob after both teams were locked 1-1 at the end of regular time.
THE penalty shoot-out is a bastion of pain for many a footballer.
Holland had famously never won a penalty shoot-out so van Gaal had to try something to shift the psychological dynamic.
The first penalty shoot-out in a professional match in England took place in the Watney Cup in August 1970.
When it came to the penalty shoot-out, four of the five nominated players on each side held their nerve.
Mellberg became the second Aston Villa player to suffer the pain of missing the decisive spot-kick in a penalty shoot-out as Holland edged past Sweden to book a semi-final place.
Croatia beats Russia, face England in World Cup semi finals KUWAIT, July 7 (KUNA) -- Croatia beat host nation Russia in dramatic clash that was forced into extra-time and then penalty shoot-out on Saturday, and would be meeting England in the semi-finals next Wednesday.