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n, pl -men
a jester or zany
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It had not had anything done to it since about 1963, so it was in dire need of upgrading," explains Nancy Merryman, principal at Portland-based Robertson, Merryman, Barnes Architects Inc.
"It has to do with the fact that a small business like ours is a lot like a family," says Marcia Merryman, a veterinarian and owner of the City Center Cat and Bird Clinic in Eugene.
"Over the last few years, we've had more major events that preclude fall reseeding and resodding," said Rick Merryman, chief for park programs at the National Capital Parks.
The department is currently raising funds to complete the purchase of the pickup truck that will haul the trailer, which is being built by Sonny Merryman, Inc., of Lynchburg, Va.
Also at Atlas: John Merryman -- to head of Custom-Cylinder Business Unit.
On May 25, 1861, Union forces arrested John Merryman for speaking out against the Union, recruiting soldiers to serve in the Confederate Army, and participating in the destruction of rail lines.(9) (p.
Woods, along with other AEC officials from the Aviation Command such as CW2 Matt Merryman, played a leading role on the Army Aviation Command team that planned and developed the BICEP.
Five panelists offered a variety of creative problem-solving ideas at a recent PWC forum presented at the Yale Club, "Facility Planning for the 21 st Century." The panelists were: Paul Hines, CFM (Certified Facility Manager), managing director of Facilities Engineering for Securities Industry Automation Corporation, which manages the computer systems of the New York and American Stock Exchanges; Judith Parker, first vice president and director of Corporate Design and Construction for Smith Barney; Gaetan Lachance, manager of Space Planning with American Express Real Estate Services/Major Facilities; Gayla Merryman, director of Project Development with the Battery Park City Authority; and Mr.
1 Jerry Merryman, who invented the hand-held electronic calculator, dying aged 86.