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(German ˈmɛrzəbʊrk)
(Placename) a city in E Germany, on the Saale River, in Saxony-Anhalt: residence of the dukes of Saxe-Merseburg (1656–1738); chemical industry. Pop: 35 358 (2003 est)
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Accordingly, premodern autobiography is characterized by a drive to be 'better' within the parameters of one's social affiliation (exemplified by the works of Thietmar of Merseburg and Augsburg merchant Lucas Rem), as opposed to an emphasis on 'difference' in modern autobiography.
Versasec's research and development center with the company's CTO are based in Merseburg, Sachsen Anhalt.
Instrumentation of the pendulum hammer of a self-made impact testing machine (available in laboratory of Polymer Service GmbH Merseburg (Germany)) allows obtaining load(F)--displacement(f) diagrams at impact loading conditions (test speed: 1 m/s).
Army Air Forces in 1942 and was assigned to the 306th Bombardment Group in Thurleigh, England, when his crew of 10 Airmen was selected to participate in a raid over Merseburg, Germany, on Sept.
Walter Bauer was born to a poor working-class family in Merseburg (Germany) in 1904; he died in 1976 in Toronto as a professor of German literature at U of T.
Returning to Germany, he practised in the town of Merseburg in surgery and general practice.
AI started my career in the early eighties as a waitress in Germany, and built up strong experience in a number of food and beverage roles before joining the Radisson SAS Hotel in Merseburg in 1997 as Front Office Manager.
Now Mandy has court papers ordering tests for the men she entertained in Merseburg, East Germany.
That's the day Holbrook, part of the 92nd Bomb Group's 407th Squadron, was piloting that plane on a run from England to Merseburg, Germany - his 29th mission - when a German anti-aircraft shell blasted a hole in the fuselage.