merry men

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merry men

pl n
facetious a person's assistants or followers
[C19: originally, the companions of a knight, outlaw, etc]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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No archer ever lived that could speed a gray goose shaft with such skill and cunning as his, nor were there ever such yeomen as the sevenscore merry men that roamed with him through the greenwood shades.
Besides this, they swore never to harm a child nor to wrong a woman, be she maid, wife, or widow; so that, after a while, when the people began to find that no harm was meant to them, but that money or food came in time of want to many a poor family, they came to praise Robin and his merry men, and to tell many tales of him and of his doings in Sherwood Forest, for they felt him to be one of themselves.
Up rose Robin Hood one merry morn when all the birds were singing blithely among the leaves, and up rose all his merry men, each fellow washing his head and hands in the cold brown brook that leaped laughing from stone to stone.
So come, my merry men, we will prepare a christening feast for this fair infant."
All that summer Robin Hood and his merry men roamed in Sherwood Forest, and the fame of their deeds ran abroad in the land.
I tell thee, friar, thou must lay down the rosary and take up the quarter-staff; we shall need every one of our merry men, whether clerk or layman.
Robin Hood and his merry men Would raise their hats to this friendly Inn that has stood the test of time.
Merry men: The Real Yoruba Demon was released on September 28, 2018.
Get out of our club now and take your band of merry men with you.
I STARTED reading from an early age There seemed nothing was more exciting than Turning over a new page Seeing a new book in my hand That was the day I had planned I remember the first book I read through It felt so good Was the adventures of Robin Hood Reading about Robin and his Merry Men I wanted to read that book over again I joined a library it was a big attraction Seeing my head always in a book drove My mother to distraction Now with Charles Dickens I made many Friends - I always wanted to know how The story ends As my collection drew, many books I never Finished But my feeling for books never diminished I still see those books with markers Still shown Those books I still love to own But many now I read no more They ended up in a charity bag, outside My front door.