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(Islam) Islam an expert in, or teacher of, Islamic law
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Tribal Elders Maulvi Allah Dad Kakar, Sardar Nasir Khan Nasir, Nadir baloch, Doulat Khan Mandokhel, Malik Gul Zaman Nasir, Abdul Sattar Kakar and other notables also attend the ceremony.
KARACHI -- Speakers at a programme held to mark the 58th death anniversary of Baba-i-Urdu Maulvi Abdul Haq on Friday recalled his great contribution to the promotion of Urdu language and said that it's important that society continues his mission.
According to available information the organization initially known as Anjuman e Tarraqi e Urdu - Hind, owes it origin to the All India Muslim Educational Conference, set up by the great social reformer and educationist Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in 1886., It was Maulvi Abdul Haq who supervised the relocation of the Anjuman's base from Delhi (India) to Karachi (Pakistan) in accordance to the wishes of Quaid - e -Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah who had died in 1948.
Cornelius in Maulvi Tamizuddin Case may be subject to scholarly debate and discussion but there is no doubt that Justice Cornelius was an honest Judge.
However, soon after meeting Maulvi Ilyas Kandelvi, the founder of Tableeghi Jamaat, he left his job.
The Aligrah College was set up on land owned by the government and it was being run by Maulvi Sultan Alam, a former president of High Court Bar and former MPA of PML-N.
He was to a high level delegation of the official Afghan Peace Council headed by Maulvi Ataullah Lodeen here on Monday.
Maulvi Barkatullah was amongst those few ulema who travelled to Moscow in May 1919, just a short while after the Bolshevik Revolution.
Two other senior Taliban leaders killed in the strike were identified as Mullah Sediqullah and Maulvi Sajad.The air strike was carried out as the Taliban militants were looking to shift six suicide bombers to Nahr-e-Saraj district, the statement added.
by Javed Hamim Kakar on 21 September, 2014 - 11:20 KABUL (Pajhwok): Renowned Afghan religious scholar Maulvi Abdul Shafi, also known as Maulvi Mazini, has passed away at the ripe age of 90, his son said on Sunday.
Islamabad, Feb22 ( ANI ): Pakistan has asked the Afghanistan government to hand over senior Taliban 'commander' Maulvi Faqir Mohammad.
Missiles hit two villages near the Afghan border on Wednesday, killing 13 people including senior militant commander Maulvi Nazir.