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(Placename) a variant spelling of Moulmein
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In 1837, the London Gazette listed him as an insolvent debtor and prisoner named "Moss Pulfermacher," a self-described "agent for foreign houses in the West Indies, and for Spaniards on the Spanish Main." (8) Six years later, the Maulmain Chronicle (Burma), in a cautionary article reprinted in the Sydney Morning Herald, portrayed the same man as "Moritz Pulfermacher." Under the headline "Tricks of a Traveller," it described how, opulently attired and in the company of his wife and daughter, he claimed to be both a captain in the Prussian Cavalry and a naturalized Englishman.
MacNaughten, July 31, 1833, Maulmain., Correspondence for the Years 1825-26 to 1842-43 in the Office of the Commisioner.
(1) In 1837 an English-language newspaper was established in the region's largest town, Maulmain, capital of British Burma between 1827 and 1852.