
(redirected from looseleafs)
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Adj.1.looseleaf - being or having leaves that can be easily removed or rearranged; "loose-leaf paper"; "a looseleaf notebook"
unbound - not secured within a cover; "an unbound book"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Laura Evans and Wendy Vogenitz of Anesthesia Answer Book, Nancy McGuire and Jill Gardner of Coding Answer Book, and David Grant, Julia Kyles and Holly Snell of Fraud & Abuse Answer Book won for their work on three looseleafs that are nearly identical in their makeup and comprehensiveness, covering three crucially important areas of healthcare administration.
The CD-ROM is perceived as a high-value item with indeterminate retail price (software on CD-ROM can cost anywhere from $19 to $499), so it destroys the "book to book" comparison between looseleafs and ordinary books.