

(Agriculture) an enclosed and covered stall with a door in which an animal can be confined
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Lovely Ryan shares a loosebox with the poloplaying Edwina Stacy-Marks (this is strictly Jilly Cooper territory).
Next to this is a further loosebox, former game larder and fuel store.
The former coach house is next to the main property now with a tack room, garage, loosebox and office and behind are two more loose boxes and a four bay car port.
Almeley House also has its original coach house and stable block with loosebox and tackroom now used for storage and garaging.
There is an all weather sand school, stableblock with four looseboxes, hayshed, tackroom and also a grazing paddock literally on your doorstep.
Ideal for equestrian use, with separate one bed apartment, garage, large barn, stable block with three looseboxes and tack room, five brick built pigsties and stone outbuilding, which is ideal for conversion given the usual planning permission and separate two bed chalet with own road access, garden and parking.
The estate, with around 291 acres of prime arable and pasture land, along with four converted cottages, stone-built bungalow, menage, traditional yard, indoor school, stables, looseboxes and American barn, also includes a stunning Georgian farmhouse.
A more modest yard built in 1865 (twenty-four stalls, four looseboxes, and ten servants' rooms) cost 3,460 [pounds sterling] at a time when a small terraced house cost just 100 [pounds sterling].
A paddock can provide grazing for future four-legged residents of two looseboxes, housed in the stableblock And for budding market gardeners, there is an orchard and fruit cage.
This stunning property can also boast paddocks with stock proof/mains electric fencing, a recently restored and functional Rolls Royce-version of a stable block with water/electricity supply, a secure tack room, foaling and regular looseboxes, hay and feed store and a dedicated wash area with shower and heated water.
A separate access from the highway leads to a loose gravel stable yard bordered by post and rail fencing with three looseboxes, outhouses, stores and adjacent paddock.
Stabling and equine-related tack rooms and looseboxes make this an ideal family home.