loose change

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loose change

money in the form of coins suitable for small expenditures
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

loose change

nspiccioli mpl, moneta
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
Scrubby, impecunious men drift to and fro there, waiting for the gods to provide something easy; and the prudent man, conscious of the possession of loose change, whizzes through the danger zone at his best speed, 'like one that on a lonesome road doth walk in fear and dread, and having once turned round walks on, and turns no more his head, because he knows a frightful fiend doth close behind him tread.' In the seven minutes he had been waiting two frightful fiends closed in on Lord Dawlish, requesting loans of five shillings till Wednesday week and Saturday week respectively, and he had parted with the money without a murmur.
YOUR loose change is giving a lifeline to charities.
There was a big cake sale organised, where parents donated cakes to sell at break and after school and we also asked them to bring in their loose change to build a huge Pudsey Bear image which gradually grew through the afternoon.
She questioned the Sandiganbayan's decision to allow Marcos to post P150,000 bail, which she said was just 'loose change' to the former first lady.
CCTV captured the intruder searching the eatery before he took some loose change and appeared to give up.
A third of small charities said public funding had plummeted as an increasingly cashless society meant fewer shoppers had loose change for collection boxes.
The company, Pockit, Inc., founded by Matt Panzo, Steve Shamrock and Christian Chicles began as an alternative to carrying loose change. Pockitapp offers an easier way to collect and use loose change while providing opportunities for it to grow through partner promotions, cash incentives, and money match opportunities.
Summary: New Delhi [India], November 20 (ANI): Congress leader Shashi Tharoor on Monday called Manushi Chhillar "beautiful, smart and uncommonly gracious" for her graceful response to his 'Chhillar' tweet, wherein he compared the surname of the newly crowned Miss World to 'loose change'.
Summary: It will donate loose change to Emirates Airline Foundation and have it converted to dollars, euros or pounds
He ordered that the safe be opened - but escaped with just a handful of loose change because so little cash was inside.
Paying the school lunch money, needing loose change for parking and covering school trips are the most common reasons for parents dipping into piggy banks, the research found.
PUB regulars have helped to raise hundreds of pounds for charity by leaving their loose change on a pew above the bar of a Nuneaton boozer.