loop diuretic

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Related to loop diuretic: Potassium-sparing diuretic

loop diuretic

(Pharmacology) med any of a group of diuretics, including frusemide, that act by inhibiting resorption of salts from Henle's loop of the kidney tubule
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Amongst the four Diuretic drugs product types, the loop diuretic drugs segment is expected to lead the global diuretic drugs market over the forecast period.
PHILADELPHIA -- While a switch to spironolactone may be contemplated for a heart failure patient with an inadequate response to oral furosemide (Lasix), transitioning the patient to an alternative loop diuretic may be the preferable approach, Paul McKie, MD, MPH, said at the annual meeting of the American College of Physicians.
PHILADELPHIA -- While many internists might think a switch to spironolactone would be warranted for a heart failure patient with inadequate response to oral furosemide (Lasix), transitioning to an alternative loop diuretic may be the preferable approach, a cardiologist said during a session at the annual meeting of the American College of Physicians.
Desmopressin should not be prescribed if the patient is already taking a loop diuretic because of the risk of severe hyponatremia.
If a diuretic effect is needed, one could use a loop diuretic (like furosemide) or a potassium-sparing diuretic (like amiloride or spironolactone).
Therefore, appropriate volume repletion with isotonic sodium chloride solution and loop diuretic therapy was performed.
The following data were obtained at the time of admission and within 24 hours after drug administration: sex, age, anthropometric measures, New York Heart Association (NYHA) class, medical history, comorbidities, vital signs, laboratory data, echocardiographic findings, electrocardiogram, urine and intake volume, hospitalization, mortality, the number of days before beginning the combination of loop diuretic and target drug (carperitide or tolvaptan), use of cardiotonic drugs, and changes in serum electrolytes or vital signs.
Loop diuretic use and fracture in postmenopausal women: Findings from the Women's Health Initiative.
In this article, we report an elderly patient with acute pseudogout arthritis who had been on loop diuretic treatment for 10 years.
We also collected the dose of intravenous electrolyte substitution, loop diuretic, and sodium bicarbonate 1.26%.