hard bop

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Related to hard bop: cool jazz

hard bop

(Jazz) a form of jazz originating in the late 1950s that is rhythmically less complex than bop
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"Our patrons can look forward to hearing all forms of creative improvised music, from hard bop, soul, funk grooves, classic jazz, big bands to free form, avant-garde and the straight up blues."
Italian band Max Ionata Trio, composed of three famous musicians Max Ionata (saxophone), Lorenzo Tucci (drums) and Dario Deidda (bass), enthralled the audience with their classical jazz and music from the hard bop period.
From Austria to Italy where the Max Ionata Trio performed an amazing jazz that included the classical jazz from the hard bop period.
A collection of jazz, hard bop, spiritual music and R&B, A Social Call is a reflection of the times.
your MUSIC The Jazz Defenders A group born out of a deep love for Blue Note Records - specifically the hard bop recordings of Horace Silver, Hank Mobley, Lee Morgan and Art Blakey.
In a genre such as jazz, where the recorded performance takes precedence over the printed page as a "work," Blue Note had a far-reaching impact on "sound, style, and technical standards," particularly in the "hard bop" genre.
As well as the classic quintet formats, there is Blakey's Percussion Ensemble on Drum Suite and the novel delight of the hard bop drummer and crew playing show tunes from My Fair Lady!
Its mixture of bluesy licks, gospel chord progression, and propulsive backbeat from Blakey defined a new style of jazz: "hard bop." This kind of driving, swinging, soulful music became the staple of the Blue Note label for at least a dozen years and is an important part of the label's legacy.
Horace Silver, a pianist, composer and band leader with a tireless inventiveness who influenced generations of jazzmen with his distinctive hard bop sound, has died.
Silver was one of the pioneers of a rhythmic jazz style known as hard bop, the BBC reported.
In that year he left to join the hard bop band of Tommy Chase where he attracted considerable attention on the UK jazz scene for the first time.