harbour dues


harbour dues

harbor dues (Am) npldiritti mpl portuali
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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there may also arise questions about any impositions and extractions of market and harbour dues which may be required, and in general about the regulations of markets, police, harbours, and the like.
The Russian consul, too, acting for the charter-party, took formal possession of the ship, and paid all harbour dues, etc.
'Light dues, port and harbour dues shall be charged once at the first port of call in the country, at either Lamu or Mombasa.Coasters carrying transshipment cargo from Lamu to Mombasa shall be offered a 40 per cent discount on the cargo handling charges,' the management said, with the promotional tariff taking effect from October 1.
A total of 23,943 sailing and steam vessels, amounting to nearly 11 million tons, paid harbour dues for the year ending July 1895.
In the last 60 years, the harbour's upkeep has been funded by harbour dues and in recent years by the proceeds of the local Harbour in Trouble Campaign, which raised funds in 2001 to repair storm damage to the outer wall.
MEPs want to promote the concept of ecological ports', in which member states' ships would have priority or would pay reduced harbour dues. This is stated in a resolution on the EU's Maritime Transport Policy, adopted in the European Parliament's plenary session of 5 May in Brussels.
"We are in discussions with Dun Laoghaire Harbour Company and are confident we can reach a new operating agreement from 2011 which will result in a reduction in harbour dues."
We are in discussions with Dun Laoghaire Harbour Company and are confident that we can reach a new operating agreement from 2011 which will result in a significant reduction in harbour dues.
Annexure-I, II, IV and V to MARPOL 73/78 require that ships shall not or only under certain conditions and in limited quantities discharge oily residues, liquid noxious substances, sewage or garbage into the sea: such residues have to be delivered to shore reception facilities and ports should provide such facilities and ports should be free to decide on their own whether they will charge a ship for using reception facilities on a case by case basis, including a certain amount in the harbour dues or make the use free for ships and pay the changes out of public funds.
The price includes private jet travel to the port, all food and drink on board, all meals snacks, picnics and barbecues ashore and use of sports and watersports equipment, the gym, steam room and relaxation room, airport taxes, pier and harbour dues.
Tartouche is the only filly, and the only runner from outside Scandinavia, in a field of 13 for the Group 3 race, which her trainer Lady Herries took with Harbour Dues in 1997.