

lacking foundation
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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(3) Confronted with this reality in his own day, Holmes, at times, gestured toward a foundationless relativism.
Hoop houses come in many shapes and sizes but are generally foundationless structures enclosed by an opaque plastic membrane to keep in warmth and sunlight.
Thus for Deleuze, the irony gives it away for Plato when myth, something by definition foundationless "constructs the immanent model or the foundation-test according to which the pretenders should be judged and their pretensions measured."18 This irony, Deleuze argues, is pushed to extreme in a paradoxical way when we find no such founding myth in the Sophist, one of the dialogues along with the Phaedrus and the Statesman that deal with the theme of division.
United States (297) concluded: "As matters currently stand, a certainty statement regarding toolmark pattern matching has the same probative value as the vision of a psychic: it reflects nothing more than the individual's foundationless faith in what he believes to be true." (298) In short, there is a "lost decade" during which the discipline summarily dismissed criticisms when it should have lead the effort for more rigorous research.
Yet her disquisitions, reported by him, are not in direct quotes: "she loved the doers and healers of life who built on the foundationless prevalence of the void those islands of proud endeavor" (489).
Referring to the TFT editorial about NAB (Friday Feb 19, 2016), it's a naked fact that all have made accountability process foggy and foundationless due to its selective nature of accountability.
But this legacy, as history, need not be built upon nihilism, foundationless positions, or the undecided "iterability" (i.e., inexhaustibility) of the text ad infinitum and ad nauseam.
He urged Israeli officials to investigate before issuance of false statements and foundationless charges.
The first, and not least, as all five texts demonstrate, is that all these fictions depict their characters dwelling inside a foundationless state of gradually world-deforming risk.
Winfield's alternative to foundationalist ontology and epistemology and to the deconstruction of reason is foundationless philosophy.
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