

a person supported by funds from a foundation, or serving as a member of a foundation
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Foundationers look to the past for instruction on the future and as a remix of the scribes and scholars of religious texts, their relationship to the past exists solely to chart a path for the future.
As only the Foundationers retain organized and usable scientific knowledge, they can exploit their superior position over the Old Empire that decays into "barbarism."
At the same time, the leading Foundationers are separated from the barbarian masses by laughter much as the knowledgeable were separated from the amazed innocents in Nye's model of the American technological sublime.
Seldon's message to the Foundationers offers a kind of divine election through the science of psychohistory whereby the Foundation becomes an entity with majestic power and a destiny of becoming "the seeds of Renascence and the future founders of the Second Galactic Empire" (Foundation 80-81).
It had a large presence of foundationers ' economically deprived Anglo Indian boys.
How did these foundationers develop a strong foundation?
The 42 boarders include twelve children whose parents are in the armed forces and thirteen Foundationers, nearly all from the Birmingham area.
The Royal Air Force Foundationers Trust was set up in 1952 with a donation of PS10,000 from Wallis and PS10,000 from the RAFBF.
(113) At the same time, the leading Foundationers are separated from the barbarian masses by laughter much as the knowledgeable were separated from the amazed innocents in Nye's model of the American technological sublime.
In the Foundation series, prejudice persists between the various classes and sectors on the capital planet Trantor; between Trantor's citizens and the "outworlders" inhabiting the rest of the galaxy; between the Second Foundationers on Trantor and the Hamish natives who farm the planet after it is sacked; between the citizens of the original Foundation planet Terminus and those inhabiting other planets in the Foundation Federation; and between Federation citizens and those still outside the Federation.

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