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(Plants) a wildflower of the Verbena family
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References in periodicals archive ?
narrowleaf silkgrass Phyla nodiflora (L.) Greene turkey tangle fogfruit Stellaria media (L.) Villars chickweed Species Family Julian Origin date Agastache hybrid Lamiaceae 177 C Ageratina aromatica (L.) Spach Asteraceae 319 N Aloysia virgata (H.R.
Turkey tangle fogfruit has gray leaves with white to lavender blooms from spring to fall, and is deer-resistant.
Phyla lanceolata (Michx.) Greene; SYN: Lippia lanceolata Michx.; Lance-leaf fogfruit; West oldfield bordering large seasonal pool; Rare but locally common; C = 2; BSUH 17999.
The adults nectar from flowers including fogfruit, salt marsh fleabane, blue mistflower, thistle, verbena, red clover, and sweet pepperbush.
16th: Fogfruit, great Indian plantain, wingstem, sundrops, small-flowered agrimony, tick trefoil, and velvetleaf flower now as full moon approaches.
Augustine grass) *, Phyla nodiflora (L.) Greene (hairy fogfruit) * Megamelus aestus Metcalf, 1923 Megamelus davisi Van Duzee, Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) 1897 Griseb.
Phyla lanceolata (Michx.) Greene: lanceleaf fogfruit. Infrequent in the Sugar Creek floodplain; 451; 380; C = 2.
Phyla lanceolata (Michx.) Greene; Lance-leaf Fogfruit; Around Scott Pond and in drying areas; Abundant at this site; C = 2; BSUH 11110.