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(Clothing & Fashion) informal a silk handkerchief
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References in classic literature ?
Scape, lately admitted partner into the great Calcutta House of Fogle, Fake, and Cracksman, in which poor Scape had embarked seventy thousand pounds, the earnings of a long and honourable life, taking Fake's place, who retired to a princely park in Sussex (the Fogles have been long out of the firm, and Sir Horace Fogle is about to be raised to the peerage as Baron Bandanna)--admitted, I say, partner into the great agency house of Fogle and Fake two years before it failed for a million and plunged half the Indian public into misery and ruin.
ANORTH East vet who has devoted her life to saving street dogs in Sri Lanka is to be the focus of Ben Fogle's TV series New Lives in The Wild.
Scott Fogle explains the benefits of an innovative new test being offered during this year's Annual Lab Test Sale.
Such popularity polls, as presenters Sara Cox and Ben Fogle suggested, are never going to be free from controversy as each dog owner will say their particular breed is the best and there's just no argument about that (unless, perhaps, it has been particularly naughty on the day the question was asked).
LIVE: CELEBRITY HELP THE ANIMALS AT CHRISTMAS Channel 5, 8pm WHAT more could we hope to see at Christmas than Ben Fogle holding a tiny hedgehog?
Ben Fogle LIVE: CELEBRITY HELP THE ANIMALS AT CHRISTMAS Channel 5, 8pm WHAT more could we hope to see at Christmas than Ben Fogle holding a tiny hedgehog?
TV presenter Ben Fogle has spoken of the "dark cloud" hanging over his head after climbing Mount Everest.