fog level

fog level

(Photography) the density produced by the development of photographic materials that have not been exposed to light or other actinic radiation. It forms part of the characteristic curve of a particular material
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Xu cited the case of a Tier 2 manufacturer of HVAC flaps that wanted to eliminate post-treatment of parts to achieve a required odor level of <3 VDA 270 with the lowest VOC/ fog level (VDA 278) at the same compression set as the previous LSR.
In general, the higher elevations are above the fog level. The Yorkville harvest is typically two weeks later than Wattle Creek's estate vineyard in Alexander Valley.
Steve Hammond, a manager at the Fuji Technical Center in Los Angeles, said development of Fuji 800 could be increased by up to one minute (a two-stop push), but after that the fog level wiped out any increase in highlight density.
Numazawa also calls attention to a peculiarity of the chemistry: "You must be careful not to rinse the film in water between the processing steps, or the fog level will increase.
But gas hypering also raises an emulsion's fog level, which is especially troubling with transparency films.
Airth has been dismissed in the past for weather reasons - it has high fog levels - but experts say that by the time a new airport is built, aircraft and air traffic control tech- nology will be able to cope with the elements.
The EPA believes the Clean Air Act's directive that standards be set at a level protective of public health with an adequate margin of safety would prevent it from setting the standard at the London fog levels and from regulating to prevent insignificant effects.