foetal distress

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Noun1.foetal distress - an abnormal condition of a fetus; usually discovered during pregnancy and characterized by an abnormal heart rhythm
abnormalcy, abnormality - an abnormal physical condition resulting from defective genes or developmental deficiencies
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"She had anaemia in pregnancy and later underwent delivery through caesarean section due to foetal distress.
There are also important health benefits for the baby as it boosts blood circulation, lowers the chance of foetal distress during labour and has been proven to have no impact on foetal growth.
Some believe that it is a sign of impending or ongoing foetal deterioration, whereas other investigators believe that it is not associated with foetal hypoxia, acidosis or foetal distress.2 Meconium stained liquor is an area of concern for both the obstetricians and paediatricians as it increases meconium aspiration syndrome, birth asphyxia, operative delivery and neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admissions.3-5
Early perinatal outcome in cases delivered through Caesarean section following clinical diagnosis of sever foetal distress at Kenyatta National Hospital.
In Group A, B and C foetal distress was 6.6%, 26.7% and 30% respectively.
But a "significant" number of failings - revealed in a HSE report - said staff failed to spot or act on foetal distress.
The system enables the staff to respond rapidly to deal with any foetal distress.
Specifically, caesarean deliveries, foetal distress, failure to progress, and postpartum haemorrhage were each associated with a shorter breastfeeding duration.
His inquest today heard the midwife delivering him had not spotted signs of foetal distress - later leading him to be born with cerebral palsy.
* Foetal distress in second stage of labor as evidenced by passage of meconium , abnormal FHR patterns at CTG recordings, umbilical cord prolapse in second stage of labour.
The report found the variation "probably reflects" the lack of a precise definition for foetal distress or dystocia - an abnormal or difficult birth - and differences in practices among professionals.
The pen is designed to cut down on the time taken to collect a sample to measure a baby's blood-gas levels to ensure there is enough oxygen during childbirth and avoid foetal distress.