emery cloth

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.emery cloth - cloth covered with powdered emery
abradant, abrasive, abrasive material - a substance that abrades or wears down
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References in periodicals archive ?
Round up an electric hand drill, a 3/8" steel rod about 6" long, some 120 grit emery cloth, some 320 wet or dry paper, scissors and a 0.452" bullet (or pin gauge set).
I use an old hunting knife but steel wool or fine emery cloth also helps.
A few require a finer stone such as a hard Arkansas or fine sandpaper or emery cloth. The rest can be done with grinders improvised from sandpaper or emery cloth wrapped around objects of the right shape and size, usually cylinders such as dowels or pipe.
IN THE PAST, copper pipe repair for high-pressure water pipes involved using a torch, emery cloth, flux.
Small areas of rust can be removed with an emery cloth and larger areas with a wire brush.
They were not finished; next we needed to sand the piece and we did this with medium- and, then, fine-grit emery cloth. Now the piece was ready to polish with tripoli and rouge.
The artist then strapped emery cloth onto parts of his body (knees, elbows, stomach) and performed strenuous, repetitive swimming and crawling motions on the panels, removing the paint in streaks to produce a negative image.
You can buy all the basic soldering equipment from full-service hardware stores or home centers for about $20 -- a propane torch, solder, emery cloth (Photo 3) and flux (Photo 5).
When installing the bearing on a shaft, maintenance personnel too often pull out an emery cloth if the fit is too tight.
Scour the end of the pipe and the inside of the fitting by using emery cloth and a wire brush designed for this purpose (Figure 3).