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(Psychoanalysis) the fear of vomit or vomiting
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Emetophobia is a fear of vomiting or seeing others being sick.
Psychology student Beth said she has suffered with emetophobia, more commonly known as a fear of vomiting, since she was seven.
Emetophobia is the irrational fear of which bodily function?
Stossel suffers from a wide range of phobias, "to name a few: enclosed spaces (claustrophobia); heights (acrophobia); fainting (asthenophobia); being trapped far from home (a species of agoraphobia); germs (bacillophobia); cheese (turophobia); flying (aerophobia); vomiting (emetophobia); and, naturally, vomiting while flying (aeronausiphobia).''
Spider phobia (arachnophobia) is very common, but have you heard of emetophobia - which is a fear of being or of seeing someone be sick?
Goodness knows what state I would be in now if I had let it go on unchecked." Fear of being sick is known as emetophobia and is quite common among children.
Living with emetophobia; coping with extreme fear of vomiting.
So many people throw up when tense or anxious that doctors have labelled their condition emetophobia - fear of vomiting.
Adults with emetophobia find it to be a chronic, limiting condition, often associated with other mental health problems, said Joshua D.
Emetophobia Eva says: "The fear of vomit is common and its repercussions can be immense.
National Lottery presenter Sarah Cawood, 40, never once dreamt that a baby would help cure her lifelong emetophobia - a fear of vomiting.