emergency substitute

emergency substitute

A product which may be used, in an emergency only, in place of another product, but only on the advice of technically qualified personnel of the nation using the product, who will specify the limitations.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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Davis, however, said he knows of many districts that have resorted to putting more students into a classroom, or using teachers who are working with a temporary license or an emergency substitute license to fill in gaps.
Next in line for SMB is Barangay Ginebra, which earlier dropped a double overtime loss to Phoenix then absorbed a thorough 93-82 beating from Meralco despite 20 points, 16 rebounds and 12 assists from Brownlee in an emergency substitute role for the ineffective Charles Garcia last Friday.
It's increasingly being used as an emergency substitute for Ro-type blood, a rare subtype more common in black people.
The human resources staff also announces emergency substitute positions on the district's website, local television and local job fairs.
Frozen pipes can burst, resulting in thousands of dollars in damage for remodeling, mold remediation, emergency substitute housing costs, as well as the loss of irreplaceable belongings.
Stafford manager Adam Cunningham was a late emergency substitute and nearly grabbed the winner but had three efforts cleared off the line in an injury-time goalmouth scramble.
But he did make himself available as an emergency substitute during the Six Nations campaign.
Carroll's last senior outing came on December 28 in Newcastle's 2-0 defeat at Tottenham, but Dalglish is ready to call upon his newest acquisition against United, albeit most likely as an emergency substitute initially.
This class should be used only as an emergency substitute if HTS oil is unavailable.
JOHN Simmons, from a family fast becoming a force in golf, made a last-minute dash from Newcastle to Rockliffe yesterday to play in the Champions as an emergency substitute.
John McGraw, like other managers of his day, occasionally picked up a minor leaguer to serve just in case an emergency substitute was needed.
They included challenges by 29 of the 37 hospitals sited for using 911 as an emergency substitute, the eight hospitals sited as violating Medicare CoPs, and the inference of impropriety despite the fact that EDs in hospitals are part of state law that the hospitals currently meet.

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