

having a dignified and attractive appearance
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Then entered the twins--the handsomest, the best dressed, the most distinguished-looking pair of young fellows the West had ever seen.
And it had, in those dreams, always been very romantic and beautiful: and the "some one" was to be very handsome and dark-eyed and distinguished-looking and eloquent, whether he were Prince Charming to be enraptured with "yes," or one to whom a regretful, beautifully worded, but hopeless refusal must be given.
He mayn't be exactly what you would call handsome, but he's far more distinguished-looking, and nicer and better than Mr.
In his court dress and brilliant array of orders, he was certainly a very distinguished-looking figure.
Despite a certain angularity of figure and her hollow cheeks she was certainly one of the most distinguished-looking women in the room.
She did pity the Davis girls, who were awkward, plain, and destitute of escort, except a grim papa and three grimmer maiden aunts, and she bowed to them in her friendliest manner as she passed, which was good of her, as it permitted them to see her dress, and burn with curiosity to know who her distinguished-looking friend might be.
And as for appearance, he was the most distinguished-looking man in our society.
"I thought her a very distinguished-looking person, Sir Patrick.
We hadn't seen each other in years, and I was pleasantly surprised to see how distinguished-looking he had become.
Samir Salameh, a distinguished-looking septuagenarian with a large, white beard and a warm smile, is considered one of Palestine's seven master painters.
Soldat by Assie Romaric mobilises bright, almost jolly colours to satirically portray a distinguished-looking army officer whose epaulette is, on closer inspection, a 10,000 CFA note.
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