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Related to Distinguishingly: ameliorative, To take in, prioritises, finalised


adv.1.With distinction; with some mark of preference.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Political perfidy, factional treachery, cronies' greed and leaders' unscrupulous practices amid lackluster development strides have contributed to a feeling that something distinguishingly different might not happen for yet another generation.
I think it would make the life of all including that of the anchors much easier and comfortable if the TV channels would introduce some simple, attractive and distinguishingly looking exclusive uniforms for their respective anchors.
Only rash and lymphadenopathy were consistent with testing positive for ZIKV infection, with rash being the most distinguishingly indicative.