
(redirected from disenthralled)


(ˌdɪsɪnˈθrɔːl) or


vb, -thrals, -thralling or -thralled, -thralls, -thralling or -thralled
(tr) to set free
ˌdisenˈthralment, ˌdisenˈthrallment n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: disenthralled
Gerund: disenthralling

I disenthral
you disenthral
he/she/it disenthrals
we disenthral
you disenthral
they disenthral
I disenthralled
you disenthralled
he/she/it disenthralled
we disenthralled
you disenthralled
they disenthralled
Present Continuous
I am disenthralling
you are disenthralling
he/she/it is disenthralling
we are disenthralling
you are disenthralling
they are disenthralling
Present Perfect
I have disenthralled
you have disenthralled
he/she/it has disenthralled
we have disenthralled
you have disenthralled
they have disenthralled
Past Continuous
I was disenthralling
you were disenthralling
he/she/it was disenthralling
we were disenthralling
you were disenthralling
they were disenthralling
Past Perfect
I had disenthralled
you had disenthralled
he/she/it had disenthralled
we had disenthralled
you had disenthralled
they had disenthralled
I will disenthral
you will disenthral
he/she/it will disenthral
we will disenthral
you will disenthral
they will disenthral
Future Perfect
I will have disenthralled
you will have disenthralled
he/she/it will have disenthralled
we will have disenthralled
you will have disenthralled
they will have disenthralled
Future Continuous
I will be disenthralling
you will be disenthralling
he/she/it will be disenthralling
we will be disenthralling
you will be disenthralling
they will be disenthralling
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been disenthralling
you have been disenthralling
he/she/it has been disenthralling
we have been disenthralling
you have been disenthralling
they have been disenthralling
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been disenthralling
you will have been disenthralling
he/she/it will have been disenthralling
we will have been disenthralling
you will have been disenthralling
they will have been disenthralling
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been disenthralling
you had been disenthralling
he/she/it had been disenthralling
we had been disenthralling
you had been disenthralling
they had been disenthralling
I would disenthral
you would disenthral
he/she/it would disenthral
we would disenthral
you would disenthral
they would disenthral
Past Conditional
I would have disenthralled
you would have disenthralled
he/she/it would have disenthralled
we would have disenthralled
you would have disenthralled
they would have disenthralled
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
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References in classic literature ?
Legree gnashed on him with his teeth, but rage kept him silent; and Tom, like a man disenthralled, spoke, in a clear and cheerful voice,
By an ironic twist of events, however, it is thanks to these authors, some of who took to their pen even before Bougainville wrote his account, that his Voyage takes the interesting turn I would now like to consider--a turn so jarring as to offer the confession of a mind newly disenthralled from an ideology.
Meanwhile the country proceeds apace, even as periodic elections disillusion some segments of the body politic, while other citizens, themselves so recently disenthralled over the nation's drift, are suddenly reinvigorated with fresh hope and gleeful expectations.
Near the end of her life, a Pekin city directory recognized Nance's resilience: "She came here a chattel, with 'no rights that a white man was bound to respect' a and now, in her still vigorous old age, she sees her race disenthralled; the chains that bound them forever broken, their equality before the law everywhere recognized, and her children enjoying the elective franchise."
This must have disenthralled the Saudis, who were dreaming of a complete reversal of growing Shia influence in the Arab region, but instead found themselves gridled by it even tighter than before.
According to Edmund Clarence Stedman, the poet is a medium who is adored by her readers because "the revelation" of her "burning heart" allows "grosser beings [to] have glimpses of the purity with which we invest our conceptions of disenthralled spirits in some ideal sphere." (11) Here EBB's body not only is transparent but also transmits the visions of both readers and otherworldly spirits.
During the previous decade, Mailer had eschewed any part in conventional politics in favor of a frenetic, controversial role in the New York demimonde, where he extolled marijuana, jazz, sexual freedom and celebrated the disenthralled lifestyles of African Americans in magazine essays and columns in the Village Voice, a weekly Greenwich Village newspaper that he co-founded and named.
"Not till Universal suffrage becomes a law," he declared, "will our country stand forth in all her grandeur, United, Disenthralled, and Redeemed." (131) President Johnson's February 1866 veto of the Freedmen's Bureau Bill prompted Henry Allen to submit a poem to William Oland Bourne's contest.